Sponsor a Home

How To Sponsor a Home

Become a Home Sponsor

  • Commit to funding 100%, equal to $75,000, for a three or four-bedroom house.
  • Recruit volunteers needed on the worksite from within your organization, or you may opt not to provide volunteers or only a percentage.
  • Develop a relationship with the Partner Family and work side-by-side with them during the construction of their house.
  • Commit to a spirit of partnership in interaction with BHFH volunteers and staff.

Become a Home Partner

  • Commit to fund at least 50% of a house.
  • Recruit up to half the volunteers needed on the worksite from within your organization, or you may opt not to provide volunteers.
  • Develop a relationship with the Partner Family and work side-by-side with them during the construction of their house.
  • Commit to a spirit of partnership in interaction with BHFH volunteers and staff.

Contact us if you are interested in Sponsoring or Partnering on a home!